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Our View of Happiness.

Our View of Happiness, Bogs, Karmik Channels

Written By: Scott Compton


Some harder truths I decided to write out today… it ultimately comes back to awareness, respect, truth and our view of happiness.
* One of our greatest fears is speaking the truth; imagine how authentic the world would become if people stopped hiding behind masks. Ask yourself why you have the secrets you do. How many of them are bound up with emotion? Why do we hold back? It is a reality to protect the other, or an illusion to protect? People with higher intuition and attuning know when someone is being inauthentic. It only takes time before too many hidden truths, often portrayed as half-truths, build up to a breaking point.
* Friends and partners are those who uplift us. If we’re struggling with a friend or partner, we are probably being put down in one or many ways. If we are honest about this, we can see where we need more boundaries with them. If they continue putting us down, we have the power to flow away from them.
* When we do not have the desire to look inward and be honest with the flaws inside, we develop a serious lack of self-awareness; if the ego cannot be put in check, the ego believes we are flawless and there’s no reason to fix what is damaged inside. Over time, this turns into self-neglect and we cover up our flaws with more illusions.
* We know more growth has happened when we respond rather than react to situations. When the greatest apathy we have is to revenge on another person–to nullify our revenge response inside of us and see the good in another to uplift the other.
* Self-love needs at the root first these things: self-respect, self-honesty, and having an inward perspective to understand what external elements are influencing self-love. When we have a lack of external boundaries, like people-pleasing, we dilute our power and open up ourselves to energy vampires who may want to prey on us.
* Happiness can be an elusive feeling and concept. Those who have had more experience with pain often come to realize some of the simplest things in life can provide great happiness… crafting a warm and cozy environment, having peace of mind, talking, a walk in nature, and reliving some of the most cherished memories. These are all heart-energy experiences.
For this reason, gratitude is often interwoven with happiness… for some who have seen death, the mere fact that we are still alive provides happiness. When we compare, we analyze our happiness, we are doing it from the mind, not the heart. We can easily get caught up in the thoughts about what happiness is, which ironically shrinks our happiness by doing it.
When Abraham Lincoln said, “People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” What I interpret from Lincoln’s idea about this isn’t the normal. I believe we need to LET GO of the fear of being “happy”… like it’s a competition and comparison to our past and others.
When we tell ourselves yesterday was happier and today and it’s not as happy, our minds can troll us. When we trust ourselves and know what we want at our core because we know who we are, we know our worth, have self-awareness and self-control, then happiness simply falls into place because we have the perspective and delayed gratification. We do not become impatient with others and ourselves. Then we can find the space in any moment to be as happy as we desire.
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