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Unconventional Ideas About Suffering

Unconventional Ideas About Suffering, Blogs, Jill Spirithorse, Karmik Channels

Written By: Jill Spirithorse

Mainstream doctors, therapists, etc do good work to help many people but, when at their wits end, with no other explanation, they may tell you “it’s genetic.”


I will say our genes play a role but, in and of themselves, they do not define our mental/emotional or physical health. Let’s just say mainstream medicine is unable to acknowledge that which is in the category of, “woo-woo.” So, their default is that it’s passed down through genetics. They do mean well, but this is what they are taught in mainstream academia and they are not supposed to acknowledge some of what I will share below.


My disclaimer of course, is that we are not medical professionals…so we can not give medical advice.


We have had many clients come to us in desperation, as a last-ditch effort to find answers in order to discover the cause of their intense physical pain. After having been thoroughly investigated by all the doctors, specialists and even the mayo clinic, who could find no explanation for what was causing the pain, the doctors would, in the interest of trying to alleviate suffering, sometimes prescribe strong painkillers.


In these cases, of those who contacted us, many times it was revealed to be Past Life residual, Kundalini Awakening, or some emotional trauma endured in early childhood. Once they became aware of it, their pain is often alleviated, as they complete the follow-up work we give them.


Believe it or not, emotional pain can create such energetic blockages in the etheric field that eventually, it will manifest as physical pain, or mental dysregulation(suffering) to catch our attention.  It will get to a point that it demands to be addressed, as it will no longer allow us to ignore it. 


By all means continue any therapies that are helping you! I’m not dismissing any work you have done thus far, only sharing other ideas which might bring some clarity.

Through my observations, with my own personal life experience…

I have noticed that my healing journey has mirrored my mom’s. Whenever Ron and I start doing something new, without me saying a word to my mom (she lives 1,600 miles away in New Mexico) she will bring it up, as something she started doing recently. At the least, it’s a telepathic connection, but I think it’s more like a spiritual cord, in which now, we are both benefiting each other, knowingly or unknowingly. Kind of like a “Morphic Resonance” between her and I.
Quick, someone alert Rupert Sheldrake. If you are curious about Morphic Resonance, he is the go-to person.


In the past when I was having some health issues, I would observe that my mom would be going through the same exact health issue, I never told her that this was going on. I just knew from our phone conversations.


It is possible you and someone close to you are picking up on each other’s suffering. The good news is that, as either one of you heals, it should benefit the other. However you both must continue doing the individual work you need to do.


Empaths tend to absorb quite a bit off of others, to lessen the burden for someone else. It is a gift which can be used to help others but, if it is not managed properly, it can become a burden. An empath must learn to recognize what is theirs, versus what belongs to someone else, otherwise they can lose themselves in the suffering and they may come to identify with an ailment or experience which was not originally meant for them.


In many belief systems, there is a teaching that as we progress spiritually and begin healing, the work we do extends 7 generations backward and also 7 generations forward.

People sometimes forget we are electromagnetic beings, not computer hardware. Emotions are first and foremost frequencies. I like to use the analogy, that if a person’s heart stops, what do they do first?

They shock it back into rhythm. If emotions are strong frequencies, and those frequencies get stuck, over time, it is bound to create blockages in the physical body, even though the blockage could have originated in the etheric body.

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