Fearless Creation: Embracing Conscious Decisions

Conscious Creation, Blog, Karmik Channels, Elena Ames

Written By: Elena Ames

In our journey towards living a fulfilling and purposeful life, it’s crucial to silence the noise of those who are not living the life they desire. Each individual has the power to shape their own destiny and pave the way for a joyful, abundant, and effortless existence. The concept of old age becomes void when we realize it’s merely the absence of a future we eagerly anticipate. Today, let’s explore the nature of fears and illusions, then discover how we can overcome them to make important decisions that align with our heart’s desires.

Fear as an Illusion

Many believe that fear prevents them from taking decisive action. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that it is not fear itself that holds us back but rather the illusions we create. Reflecting on past situations where fear paralyzed us, we find that behind those emotions were specific thoughts. These recurring thought patterns often revolve around regret, shame, criticism, failure, and a barrage of negative self-talk. It’s crucial to recognize that we have the power to challenge and transcend these self-imposed limitations.

Working with the Ego

Our ego, always rooted in the past, thrives on familiarity and resists the unknown. Uncertainty poses a significant threat to the ego’s need for security and comfort. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that the ego’s primary purpose is to protect us. By understanding and working in harmony with our ego, we can differentiate between its fear-driven caution and its genuine concern for our well-being. It’s time to shift our relationship with the ego, transforming it from a paralyzing force into a supportive ally on our journey.

The Illusion of Past and Future

The past and future are mere illusions that distract us from the present moment, where true power resides. As we navigate life, we must recognize that dwelling on the past or anxiously anticipating the future detracts from our ability to create and embrace the magic of the present. Embracing the power of now allows us to shed regrets and focus on shaping our future consciously.

Unlocking the Power of Decision-making

When we reach the end of our lives, we will regret not the failed attempts that arose from following our heart’s calling, but the doubts and fears that paralyzed us. To make important decisions, we need a simple and effective method to confront our fears and illusions head-on. Below we will explore a practical approach that will empower you to overcome fear and make decisions aligned with your true desires.

The Method 

The first step in this method involves writing down your deepest wishes and fears. By transferring these thoughts from your mind onto paper, you eliminate the escape route for your ego, forcing it to confront your aspirations and concerns. If you are interested in exploring your wishes and those fears that stop you, reach out to me for this unique coaching session “WishWhisperer: Revealing Desires, Taming Fears

If you would like to try the method yourself, then consider the following: 

1. Exploring Positive Outcomes. Envision the positive events that this decision can entail, such as waking up excited for work, expanding your social circle, and having opportunities for travel and time control. By acknowledging the possibility and accepting these positive outcomes, you disarm the ego’s resistance.

2. Addressing Negative Outcomes. Next, consider the potential negative outcomes, such as the need for additional learning, working harder to establish yourself, potential lower initial pay, or discomfort with changes in your social circle. Engage in playful thinking and acknowledge that these outcomes, however unlikely, are also possibilities.

3. Minimizing Negative ConsequencesTo mitigate potential negative consequences, brainstorm strategies that can minimize their impact. For example, if you would like to change your career impact, consider taking courses or gaining practical experience before making a career change, or attending industry events to network, and seeking guidance from professionals in the field. Additionally, outline negotiation points, such as salary and time off, for the new role.

4. Planning for Reversibility. Lastly, contemplate the possibility of returning to your previous life and career level if needed. This step assures your ego that there is an exit strategy, helping to alleviate any lingering fears.

There is no choice. In the realm of true decision-making, the notion of choice becomes an illusion. Our hearts, in their unwavering wisdom, have already made the choice, setting the course for our lives. It is our minds that distract and scare us with the unknown, for the mind is inherently fearful of what lies beyond its grasp. The future, by its very nature, is shrouded in uncertainty, and this fear of the unknown paralyzes us in the present moment. However, if we can recognize this dance between heart and mind, we can transcend the illusion of choice, embracing the power of the present and forging a path toward a future filled with infinite possibilities.

By embarking on this journey of self-discovery and conscious decision-making, you gain insight into the illusions created by your fears. Remember, you are not bound by these illusions. By embracing this method and realizing that you have already made a decision, you empower yourself to act confidently and intentionally. You hold the key to a magical and fulfilling life, and with unwavering support, you can embark on this path of conscious creation.

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